Saturday, June 29, 2013

Jobs of the Week June 30, 2013


Wrinkly Gus is happy with these jobs!
1)Earlybirds – China

Sounds like a sweet deal. But other than the name of this recruiter, is the sentence at the bottom of the post that really grates against my kisser. You claim you are not a recruiter, but what you describe IS what the job of a recruiter does. No matter if you have ‘personal’ relationships with universities. You are sending out job posts in order to recruit teachers for those specific posts.

It’s like a pig dressed up as a woman, saying it’s not a pig.

Insulting to my intelligence, but still sounds good.

2) Semyung University – Korea

Alright! 4 day work week! Low number of students and contact hours! Though, a position more suitable for (somewhat) experienced teachers with qualifications.

Sign me up! But negotiated wisely for adequate pay. Remember: you’re an educated person, don’t let them lowball you.

3) Kangwon National University - Korea

Low pay for the type of qualifications and experience this place is looking for. With that in mind, low contact hours, ample vacation time and partly-furnished housing. No mention of flights...

Give it a go if you’ve got at least a year teaching experience with BA or MA...though, I’d negotiate for a minimum of 2.5 Won/ month.


Angry or pooping? Or pooping angrily?

4) WithAble Recruiting – Korea

I’m sketched out by the gmail address. But with that in mind, this recruiter has a range of jobs for your perusal. Different locations with salary between 2.0 – 2.7 million Won. However, some of the contact hours reach upwards of 30 (for kindy, no less) and require you to work 10 hours in one day. Will you lose your sanity teaching kindergarteners 6 – 8 contact hours per day and remain in the office for an addition 2-4 hours? Salary is pretty low for the work demand.

Keep looking.

5) Orange Education Co - Korea

If a stable, reputable recruiter for the last 11 years, why are you still using a Hotmail address? The website offers suitable information about aspects of the job (contact hours, pay, holidays, etc). Be careful though, since Orange Education Co. is a recruiter, the demands of the director/ principal of language institutes may differ than what is stipulated on the OECo. website. For most of the jobs, there seems to be high contact hours with low pay and are looking for Kyopo teachers (F visas) and E2 visa holders already inside Korea.

As well, misspelled words and grammar errors proliferate on the job posting.


6) ACE Recruiting Agency – Korea

Go to the ACE Career website, under Recruiting Info, and you will read about teacher’s home leave after signing another contract.

I don’t like the unpaid 14 day home leave for teachers who will re-sign. That’s how you pay back your loyal teachers?

I find that extremely offensive, especially when most other institutes pay you for vacation time.

No thanks.


[witty caption redacted due to the image speaking for itself]

7) Expertise Education – Beijing, China

No mention of contact hours. Salary is disgustingly low. Look elsewhere. Also, this company should think about renaming it since it sounds so much like the disreputable Education Experts in Saudi Arabia.


8) China TEFL Network (CTN)

This post is sloppily presented. Reading it makes my eyes hurt, and my heart as well when I read the range of salary offered at the different schools.

White space is important when reading. Organize the information into salary ranges. Learn how to write links in your job post. It's much cleaner...unorganized noob.

No thank you.

9) Korea International School Beijing – China

You had me at the salary! But then made me think twice about a small detail you tried to sneak past me.
Yes, 20 contact hours per week is good. Yes, the housing and pay are great too.

But... you have to submit weekly lesson plans. Any good teacher has a lesson plan, but I think you will have to submit highly detailed plans for approval. If you are making the curriculum from scratch, you’ll easily be working 60 hours per week in preparation and teaching.

Go sit on an egg.

10) British Academic Centre – Moscow Region – Russia

No mention of contact hours. No mention if provided housing is shared or not. No mention of the amount of vacation time. Pay is little more than slave wages. Also, it’s located in the Moscow ‘Region.’ You could be out in the boonies.

Likewise, go sit on an egg.

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